
Syni has a large network of partners (international organisations, NGOs and non-profit organisations) that host and supervise participants during their PETF.

We continuously develop our network in the line with candidates' profiles.

We collaborate with numerous international organisations, NGOs and institutions that work in international cooperation. Here after some of our partners:

UNICEF, UNHCR, IOM, WIPO, ILO, IUCN, UNOPS, ICRC, MSF, The Global Fund, GCSP, DCAF, NRC, DRC, Terre des Hommes, EPER, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, IISD, International Commission of Jurists, Save the Children, WWF Switzerland, Antenna Foundation, IETA, FIND, PATH, EspeRare, Geneva Call, IHEID, UNITAR, UNOSAT, FICR, GAIN, Helvetas, UICC, ICoCA, EPFL, swisspeace, Secodev, Earthworm, Fondation Caux Initiatives, Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies.

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